Friday, May 27, 2016

Fractal Dimensions...multiple universes and the science of the future!

I've always had a deep love for fractals and abstract art.

Something about art which is all twisty, and different from the normal straight lines and curves of most architecture and artwork.

Nature is probably the best creator of such things, but thanks to men who are exploring the mathematical aspects of art, we now have a new science as well as a deeper understanding of our universe, in art and in life.

Fractal Flames I believe strongly are going to come more and more into the forefront in science, as the true physics of what they are becomes enabled in our sciences and philosohy.

Myself, I have chosen to create a hero that can move from our four dimensional world into multi-dimensional worlds that lay in synchronization with our own, but perhaps just a little bit off because of a different vibration.

The Omniverse, or multiverse as scientists and Sci-fiers call it, is rich with new worlds and realms of exploration.

I only pray that once we do begin traveling to such realms that we leave behind the predatory nature of humanity that has confounded us to this point in time.


John Pirillo

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