Friday, October 25, 2013

So Jules worked and the others watched, willing him to be happy, while actually wishing they themselves could feel that abundance of goodness in their own hearts again as well.

As Jules rolled the larger bread on the board before him, he added the darker rye flour which his father loved. Without thinking the loaf began to take the shape of a German Zepplein, those dreaded war machines of the past. And again, without thinking, he began altering the shape, adding little modules here and there, propellors here and there, thrusters that mimicked the experimental rockets of the Americans.

When he was finished he stood there silently, stunned. His sisters, alarmed by both is expression and the fact that he had stopped moving for almost ten minutes, rose to overlook his shoulders.

What they saw portended a future Jules had been mulling subconsciously for quite some time now. His words uttered, shook their very souls. “Master of the World.”

“But Jules, there is no Master of the Worlds.” Chenelle reminded him.

Jules placed his father’s bread on a wooden flat and shoved it into the oven. He shut the door and looked at his beloved sister. “Maybe there should be.”

The girls made a horrified sound and looked at him as if he had just lost his mind, but in Jules heart there was no room for that kind of horror. Something else was growing there.

And so over the next several weeks Jules and Wells continued to meet, but Jules became more solemn and reserved, while Wells, on the other hand, became more outspoken and alarmist. “We must do something, Jules. We can’t just let this war go on and on.”
Jules turned to his friend and searched his soul a moment with his eyes. “What if it  involved giving up everything you had thought was right and wrong about the world, about your life, about…everything?”

At that moment Wells was frozen, stunned into silence. The vehemence of Jules’ words caused his very heart to shake and quiver in fear Something in Jules’ eyes frightened him to his very core.

He put a hand on his friend’s arm. “Pray tell me you won’t do anything foolish.”

Jules gave his friend a stern look. “The time for prayers is over. The time for foolish is over. “