Saturday, June 11, 2016

Sherlock Holmes: The Castle of Dark Ambitions Now available at Amazon for 99 cents.

Sherlock Holmes: The Castle of Dark Ambitions

Now available at Amazon for 99 cents.

When is love something sweet and tender, and when is it something terrible and frightening to behold? 
Sherlock is about to find out in one of the most mysterious cases he's ever been involved with.

Her name was Destiny. Sherlock must decide if she is just that or worse! 99 cents at Amazon

Something funny; something fast and unearthly we've built.

Hollow Earth Insider

Hollow Earth Insider

Check out the above link for some interesting stuff.

Top Secret Humming Bird Jet

Check out above link for a cool You Tube video of a top secret jet the Air Force was working with. Gotta be stranger even than a UFO.