Thursday, May 8, 2014

Added new author to the free novel section.

Go to Free Novels.

The sequel to Journey to the Center of the Earth is named: The Invisible Lands.

Another concept piece for my Journey to the Center of the Earth series.
I am making good progress on the sequel to the first story. This one follows the Special Forces as they make progress towards their goal, finding the culprit behind the destruction of most major cities on the planet.

More time will be spent with the characters to see what's going on in their heads, as well as to establish more comraderie before the crap really hits the fan!

Remember, this is all parallel to what Jules Verne wrote, so somethings will intersect with his vision of the journey and the center of our world, but only in places, for the larger portion of the story now is on the bravery and stamina of so few against such tremendous odds as they race to save their homelands and their loved ones.