When you look up into the sky, you wonder.
You wonder if there could be others like yourself out there.
You wonder what they would think, do and believe.
What you don't wonder is if they weren't like you at all,
but something entirely new!
The Baker Street Universe explores the possibility of the
existence of an entirely new universe that is in parallel to our own.
It is populated by heroes and villains we have created.
What if the best and worst of us were real?
What if they breathed life and were determined to find us?
What would happen then?
What would happen then?
Read the story that crosses over from our world into that
new existence.
Follow a living and breathing author, Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle, as he makes the leap from our humanity to a new one.
What he finds there in the new universe will:
Astound you!
Frighten you!
Make you think like never before!
What if they were real? What if you weren't to them?