Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Baker Street Adventures: The Death of Conan

I remember as a child picking up an obscure writer in the adult section of our library. My parents had let me loose in the adult section because I had already consummed everything else worth reading in the children's. I was about eight years old then, maybe ten. I was thumbing through the book stacks and shelves and found this book called the Lost World by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  

I read it and was absolutely blown away by the tone and breadth of the writing. How could someone write something so incredibly imaginative and real sounding? I finished that book rapidly and went back for more. That was when I also found out about Sherlock Holmes. 

Ever since that day in the library I have been a confirmed fan of Sir Author Conan Doyle, and like any good fan, I refuse to let him die. I have resurrected him in my own writer's universe, which I call the Baker Street Universe.

You call check out my site dedicated to that universe by clicking HERE.

As I aged, which we all inevitably and tragically do, I began to get this idea that maybe it would be as fun writing stories as reading them. I astounded my 7th grade teacher, Mister Bronze, with a spell binding three paragraph...maybe five or six, don't remember for sure...story about an American Astronaut who hides aboard a Russian Sputnik in an attempt to stop it from nuking our country. Quite naive at the time, but fun anyway.

Since then I've grown up a bit, and aged a bit more, but have never lost the love of a good tale, and so I began taking the dictations of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his good friend, Professor Challenger, in an effort to record for posterity the adventures of Sherlock  Holmes and his good friends, the Baker Street Adventurers.

Below is the cover for my first story, which not  only includes the miraculous reincarnation and rebirth of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, but also includes his famous friend, Sherlock Holmes, in the flesh who takes him along with Professor Challenger on amazing adventures in sleuthing and mystery.


The Death of Conan is the first of many dozens of stories about Sherlock Holmes, as well as Conan Doyle. It follows him from this world to the next, and what a delightful wake up to find out you've been translated from a dying old man on Earth to a living, spritely young man in a new world where all the characters you've written about are alive and well, and better yet, your friends!

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