Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Jules gave him an astounded look. “Not possible.”

Wells sighed, as if a great weight were upon his shoulders. “Even so. My mother had thought the same, but when she went with my father to examine the destruction being wrought, she no longer disagreed.”

Jules gave Wells another look. “But our papers say nothing!”

Wells shook his head. “Politicians. I pray I never grow up and become one, for they are the stink of the world. The world goes on its merry way, thinking tomorrow there will still be marriages and honeymoons, graduations, and ceremony, but no. It’s not going to happen. For tomorrow there will be a war of the worlds. It’s already started.”

“But where?” Jules asked. Perplexed by his new friend’s words.

“The English Channel.” Wells said. “My father is close to the Admiral of the Navy. Britain has lost half its fleet in the last twenty-four hours.”

Jules jumped up. “I must warn my parents”

Wells leapt to his feet and grabbed Jules by his arm. “You can say nothing. You must say nothing. The world depends on your silence!” He warned.

Wells moved closer. “Even at this very moment my father is at the Royal Air Force Base gathering our bombers for a strike.”

Jules relaxed. “Ah. Then we are safe for certain.”

Wells shook his head. “The enemy has weapons that spit a fire from their throats and melt metal like heat does butter. Humans vanish in puffs of smoke.”

Jules was horrified. “That’s like stories I’ve read!”

Wells nodded. “And I’ve written.”

“You wrote stories about aliens invading our planet? That’s really great!” Jules complemented Wells.

“No, it’s not. I’m afraid I was being used by them to soften our defenses.”

“What do you mean?” Jules asked, his eyes wide with fear.

“That they know what we think and can read our minds. They put thoughts into mine so I would write about them in a way that no one would believe could ever possibly happen. To get us off our guard.”

“But it was all fantasy on your part.”

“No. It is real. All of it.”

Coming tomorrow: Chapter Two: The War Machines

Still looking to add a sub service. Hopefully, will have something by end of this next weekend.



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